Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hemingway Wentz Interview

First off its rare we get to interview a celebrity dog, and rare that people get to read interviews with celebrity dogs or any dog for that matter.Hows about you tell us about the day in the life of Hemingway wentz?
well woah, I'm not sure if everyone is ready to hear about a day in the life of Hemingway wentz but ill say it anyways just make sure you don't get too over whelmed first off i wake up. i usually then go and start licking my father to wake him up, then i go for a walk if he isn't feeling too lazy. eat. sleep. eat. chew up stuff. poop. eat. sleep. again maybethen go to sleep for the night and repeat the cycle the next day.amazing... i know haha

So the question that will break a lot of girls hearts, are the rumors true that you date Penny Stump? (If so we want details) and your myspace status says engaged..please explain
I don't think there is any woman that can tame this beast right here.and when i went with penny it was like kissing your cousin (not that i know how that feels...)so it didn't work out too well shes just like a sister to me and plus I'm a total ladies man and I'm very much single so girls get at me i prefer bitches over human girls though.wait.yeah yeah i prefer bitches it just sounds pretty odd

How is it having a father like Pete wentz?
I bet you get really spoiled!!! Do you feel that having him as a father helps you to pull the ladies easier?hes an amazing father and I'm so much of a daddy's boy. were best friends .but with the ladies?not really, he stinks more than i do so pretty much the ladies tend to turn the other way when hes around, to save their nose from burning off cause of the fumes he possesses

What is your relationship like with the other members of fall out boy?
my relationship with them is great, i love them so much. and its cool when my father goes on tour cos i get to see them more often.How does it feel to be named after such an iconic writer?

Do you have any aspirations of going down in history?
i tried to read Hemingway's stuff but then got bored so i just ate the book, true story haha. well i don't really want to go down in history just go on your shirts.which is why you should buy stuff from my poppas clothing line

If you could choose your favorite fall out boy song which would it be?
well of course the take over, the breaks over the whole fucking video is about me hahano im not that concietedI think that one that goes "im also into cats duh duh duh duh im also into cats"i think its called this aint a scene hah
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
in five years i see my self settled down with a pretty french bulldogliving in the suburbs of Chicago with 10 kids and a pet mouse

We have seen you make several appearances in Fall out boy videos, have you considered a career in acting or do you have other plans?
I'm sticking on being a model for Clandestine for right now. Its a hard job just sitting their while they take pictures of me...I might do surreal life or a reality tv show based on finding the perfect soul mate though.just joking haha

Do you have any plans to go find your birth parents?
I know where they're at.Boring story though I wish I could be one of those dogs on homeward bound or whatever trying to find their way back home.or maybe like on legally blonde where they try to find the chihuahuas dog oh yeah i forgot to tell you.i have a new best friend well another one hes a chihuahua named Paco.hes one cool cat well in better terms dog

If you were stranded on a desert island what would you take with you and why?
If I was stranded on an deserted island i would take with m emy magical genie that i keep in my closet to grant me wishes.cos for one he'll keep me company and two he can magically make ten thousand dog bones appear right in front of my very colored blind eyes

Your favorite band apart from fall out boy?
well i have a fewwww.

So tell us the secret of how a dog types?
Its really simple.get a prosthetic hand, and just roll with it

How do you feel about other celebrity dogs trying to follow in your paw prints by creating myspace pages?
I sorta realized that lots and lots of dogs started having myspaces, but its cool and all.I just think its kind of weird that some of my friends have 8734988 myspaces of them for example hobo and succah

So can you tell us any hints about what is next from fall out boy?
A little birdy told me that there are songs being written, but they're not in the studio.not yet that is What did you think of the beat it video?its sweet, what more can you ask forMichael Jackson is dope brah

Would you like to add or say anything else?
I like the word salamander.and sorry for all of the fucked up spelling.i am a dog and so as dogswii kant spuhell

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