Monday, May 12, 2008

The Cab New Album Review

Album Review by Sarah
Every so often a band will come along who will really give you that feeling, the chills up your spine and that sometimes annoying feeling when you have this song stuck over and over in your head. This was my reaction when I first heard Las Vegas rockers 'The Cabs' Demo on myspace a few months ago. I knew this band would be huge as soon as I heard there one and only demo 'I'll Run' a song which everybody who heard wanted more of. For months The Cab kept there fans hanging on with just one demo while they recorded there full length EP. 'Have a little Faith in me' As the lyrics of I'll run said and the fans did have a little faith in them and stuck round patiently for the album. It takes a lot to keep your fans around with just one song for all those months and that song was just about enough to keep those fans desperately wanting more and prepared to wait.
Whisper War was released on Fueled by Ramen and Decaydance records earlier this week. The band (who were discovered by fellow Las vegas band Panic at the disco) were in a catch 22 situation they could either write 12 more songs which had to be as good as I'll run or they would be a one demo wonder and fade off out of stardom.As soon as I heard the first song I was hooked. 'One of those nights' was the perfect opener to the record. Featuring vocals from Brendon Urie and Patrick Stump the band proved in just the one song that opened this album that they were going to be everything the fans expected and more. There was something more to them than just that one song and boy was I in for a treat.Each song on the album was powerful with a touch of class and originality from lead singer alex Deleons soulful voice, amazing guitar riffs and catchy melodies and lyrics, its hard to believe most of these guys have only just left school in the past year and to have achieved so much sucess in that time with their fanbase it proves that this guys are destined for the big time.Bounce is the kind of song that you would dance to in a club, it has that poppy feel to it, if I could even compare this song to an n'sync song.Alex definetley has that sort of voice to pull off a pop song on a rock record! I'll Run - The song everybody just can't get out of their head, this is a beautiful stand out masterpiece of modern rock music. Maybe one of the best demos I've heard from a band in a long time except the song was finally polished up in the studio and sounds 10 times more amazing right now! With the familiar Piano rifts, the catchy chorus and lyrics, and once again the fantastic vocals. I believe this song could be the bands first success in the commercial world.Listening through upbeat songs high hopes and velvet ropes and party song 'That 70's song' this band can do your ears no harm. You'll be singing these songs all day. The whole album is just packed with talent, its not hard to see how these guys got signed to one of the most successful independant music labels in the world 'Fueled By Ramen'. The quality, the music, the performance, the lyrics and the band members are of the highest standard.The band closes with 'The city is contagious' by this time I am glad I put 'a little faith' In this band and waited for their record. 2008 is going to be the year of the Cab. Check out whisper war for yourself by going to the Fueled by ramen webstore or buying it for $9.99 at target (if you live in the USA)

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