Sunday, May 11, 2008

Heloise and the Savoir Faire Interview

Heloise & the Savoir Faire Interview
Written and Interviewed by Rachel

I was surfing the web when my friend suddenly posted a video comment on my myspace. "Check it out" was the attached phrase to the video. I shrugged and played the video. The music blasted through my speakers. My foot was tapping, a good sign. "A new age is gettin' nearer," she started to sing, "A psychic told me I'm gonna die." Well those aren't lyrics you hear every day, I thought. Halfway through the song my whole body was moving to the music. I loved the energy of the song. The electric, 80's infused with pop sound enchanted my musical that too deep to understand? By the end of the song I was dancing wildly around my room. Good thing there wasn't an audience in my room at the time; some moves are too good to be seen. -grins-"Who are they?" I asked my friend."Who?" she replied."The band," I said, "I love them!""Oh I dunno," she said, "I just wanted to show you Elijah.""Ok but what did you think of the band? They're awesome!" I answered still trying to figure out who they were."She screamed at me."That was my introduction to Heloise & the Savoir Faire, through a friend who had no attention of introducing me to the band, but how cute Elijah Wood looked in the video. Lovely! (Now you understand why I say I meet bands by accident.)Heloise & the Savoir Faire gained most of their popularity through the Graham Norton Show; this was the clip my friend sent me. Since then thousands of viewers and myself have been following the band. Recently I summed up the confidence to ask Heloise & the Savoir Faire for an online interview for the Fueled by Music E-zine. They're going to turn me down, I said to myself, most of these bands do. Either that they never reply.The next day Sarah (my editor/boss) told me Heloise & the Savoir Faire agreed to an interview.
WTH, was my first reaction, then it was followed by endless jumping and screaming. But of course they wouldn't know that because I replied, "Ok awesome. Should I send you the questions through email or is myspace ok for you?"

The Questions

1. What’s the origin of your band name? Have you changed the name before or has it always been Heloise & the Savoir Faire?

It used to be called Heloise and the Savoir Faire Dancers. The "band" was based on some kooky videos that Joe and my friend Missy Bly and I did in Burlington, VT about an aspiring dance troupe trying to make it big in NYC. They were disgusting but funny and I have no idea where those videos are now and it sort of terrifies me.

2. When did you form your band? What inspired you to make music together?

I formed the "band" which was just me and a laptop and two dancers (I guess) in 2001, but we didn't get a band together until like 2004. I got sick of the canned music thing and wanted to perform again with live musicians. They played over the tracks and it sounded awesome and then we started to collaborate without the computer. Now it's about half with a track and half without.

3. Where have you performed?

City wise, we've performed in Tokyo, London all over New York city and a couple shows in LA and Boston and Burlington, VT.

4. Could you briefly explain the lyrics of your song "Odyle?"

Odye is an arbitrary measurement of electro-magnetism, a term created by a guy named Baron von Reichenbach a contemporary of Mesmer's. I sort of put some "old science" ideas together with this new ageism stuff that's happening now.

5. What bands have influenced your music style?

Prince and Kiss Fm (the radio station) in New York.

6. What has been your biggest challenge as a band?

Well we're sort of going through our biggest challenges now. It's hard to make a living as a musician so it's about balancing your day or night job with the being able to tour and live and eat and stuff like that.

7. You have had the chance to meet some well-known people, such as Deborah Harry and Elijah Wood, how has meeting them shaped your band?

Professionally, we wouldn't be doing what we're doing if I hadn't met Elijah. He has totally helped get the band's music out to many more ears than we could have previously imagined. He's also a dear friend so he's enriched our lives on a personal level as well. Meeting Debbie was like a dream come true. The fact that she likes the band has psychically lifted me. To have this kind of street credit has had a hugely calming effect. I still can't believe that she came and sang on the album. I can't believe I had the nerve to ask her!!!

8. Do you get nervous before shows? If so, how do you overcome this?

Yes generally I do get nervous and have a sort of sour pit in my stomach. I usually have a drink before I go on stage (not for the stomach but it's nice for my mind) to ease my anxiety. I also put on a ton of make-up which I find meditational.

9. What is more important to you in a song, lyrics or music?

Ummmmmmm I can't decide. They're all important.

10. Is there anyone you’d like to acknowledge for offering you financial or emotional support?

I like to thank my parents for being really really accepting and generous and believing in this crazy choice that I've made with my life. Elijah too has been an enormous help financially we wouldn't have a record without him.

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