Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Second Function Interview

Second Function came to us at Fueled by Music Promotions looking for someone to promote their music. Once we heard their music we had to get the word out! They’re music is incredible, and for me great head bobbing music. They sound like something you might hear at a bmx show or a skateboarding video game; that hard rock sound that gives you a rush. Because I loved their music so much, I offered to interview them, and with permission from my boss (Sarah), I emailed them the questions.
First off, how did the band get started? Flo (Vox / Guitar) and I (Bass) started a band in 1995. We started the band with a drummer who quit in 2002. The reason for the start was actually at a birthday party. After that party we had so much fun playing together that we decided to keep the band going. How did you find your sound? We started playing some rock and grunge cover songs for that party and so the direction was kind of given. We started early to mix up our influences to create a special character for the band. After Luki (Drummer) joined us in 2003 we were able to improve our own sound that is a combination of lots of musical influences. What does your band name mean? Do you know the button "2nd Function" on a calculator? Well this button is used for functions that are not the common ones. So these are the more special functions that are not used every day, but they are more specific and more important in some situations. We are kind of that function. The more important, the more specific and definitely not the common one. It can be that this doesn’t mean a thing to other people, but for us, it means a lot.
Interesting, I say to myself while I look for the second function button on a calculator. Not your every day band name. Still can’t find that button, moving on! How did you feel on your first gig? I can still remember that first gig, even it is pretty long ago. I was so nervous I nearly shit my pants -smile- It was a very special moment for all of us to perform our first concert. I think that is a moment we will never forget.
First gigs can be memorable. I still remember mine…I refer not to talk about it. How do you generally attract more fans? Usually we get naked and sell a lot of CDs that way -smile-
I laughed so hard when I read this. I’ve asked several bands this same question and I’ve never got that answer before. Personally I don’t know if that would attract me to a band, I’d have to see. –grins widely-
That was the past. Recently I asked them a few questions about their new album.Is there a title for the album, if so what does it mean?The album is called “Time Stops Running”.It kind of means, that we worked a very long time on our music and on the album and we think that it is the right time to release the album. It’s the meaning that our “new” time starts running while the “old” time stops running.
What would you say is the main theme of the album?
The main theme of the album is “what happens every day”. We don’t have a political message or something like that what we want to bring out. It’s about our lives, or daily business, our advantages, our disadvantages in life.
How long did it take to record the album? Was it overall worth it?
The recording itself was not a very long process. It took us around 3 weeks. But we spent a lot of time for the pre-production and also the mixing process was very long. We started the recording of this album in October 2007..It was definitely worth taking time for the recordings. I think what was really worth the time was working hard before we went to the studio. All the pre-production helped us to work free in the studio.
Do you think this album will be successful?
We do hope that it will be successful. I think the album contains a lot that could make it successful in some ways. But what is really important for us is, that we are satisfied with our work and with the album. We can 100% stand behind this album and I think the people out there will “feel” that.
Personally what is your favorite song from the album and why?
My favourite song of the album is “Family Affair” and “The Speed Of Impact”. These are two of the “youngest” songs and we worked a little bit different on them. That makes them special to me.But there are lots of other songs that I really like. For exemple “Burning Man” means also a lot to me, because it is a song about the Festival in the desert in Nevada. I once was there and it was very special.
When will the album be released? (just to let everyone know)
The album will come out at the end of August / beginning of September 2008. First we will release it in Switzerland and over iTunes. Currently we are checking the possibilities of a release in other countries.

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