Tuesday, June 10, 2008

KOOPA Interview

KOOPA a 3 piece rock/punk band from Essex, with there blend of musical style, energy and outgoing personalities they have built a solid fan base throughout the uk and worldwide. They recently announced they will be recording there first major album and it would be produced by no other than Mark Hoppus (Blink 182/+44) himself.They also made music history when they made it in to the top 40 while still unsigned via downloads alone making them the first unsigned band ever to make it into the uk top 40. They took some time from there busy schedule to answer some questions for fueled by music.
So how did Koopa come to start out? And how did you come up with the name?
It kind of just happened really. Stu and I have been best-friends for over 10 years and Ollie & Stu are brothers, so we've always known each other and been close. I had a recording studio and Ollie asked if he could come in and record a song or two when he was about 11 or 12. I agreed and we got Stu to play the drums and I laid down some bass etc. Listening back to the recordings once they were done, we realised it sounded good and should probably do a band. We had to wait a few years until Ollie had left school and was old enough to get into clubs before we started taking it seriously. We got the name simply as it's Stu & Ollie's surname (Cooper)... we just changed the spelling!... I say it's because Stu doesn't know how to spell his own name!
Your fan base has been growing and growing in the last few months how has it felt to have so many people appreciating your music?
Well... it's been growing steadily for a few to years now to be honest. But over the last few months with 'The Crash' hitting the Top 20 and the recent news about or album has attracted more people to our websites and most seem to like our stuff... which is ACE! It's hard to take in that people like what we're doing and we try to kind of ignore it and get on with writing etc. We notice it more at gigs etc, when loads of people are there going mental and it's amazing. That's my favourite place to be in the world... on a stage with people in front of me dancing! It makes what we do worth-while!
You guys make a point out of interacting with your fans something that a lot of bands don't do. Do you think this contributes to the success you guys have been having?
To be honest, it's just something we've always done and thought it was the normal thing to do. We certainly intend to keep it up, it may get a bit harder as we get busier, but I'm sure there's enough of us to keep up. As for it contributing to the success, I'd have to say it probably does. We didn't realise that it was rare for bands to get back to their friends/fans, we usually get told by our fans... we get comment/messages/emails saying "WOW!.. You actually reply!", but we just think it's rude not to.... and we certainly read them all and check other bands out when they ask us to etc.
You recently announced that you would be working with Blink 182 and +44 famed Mark Hoppus, this is such a big achievement, how has it felt? And were you guys already big fans of him?
We are honoured really. We're all Blink & +44 fans, especially Ollie, so we know a lot about him and the main thing is that I think he's the right person to produce KOOPA; young, but with experience. It's hard to take in though.... the fact we're going to be going to LA to record is enough.... but to be recording with Mark Hoppus and Chris Holmes is even better! I guess we'll believe it when we get there!
What bands have been your influences in the music style of Koopa?
There's quite a lot of influences, bands that people tend to hear in us are Green Day, Blink 182, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Oasis & Guns N' Roses..... which would all be big influences as we listen to all those bands.... I think you put all that together though ad you get a new sound.... KOOPA!
How has it felt to finally be signed to a record label?
It's ACE on all levels! Obviously there's the relief that we are actually good enough and someone has It's ACE on all levels! Obviously there's the relief that we are actually good enough and someone has shown faith. We're also very happy with Pied Piper, the label. We had a few labels interested at the end of last year and went through having meetings etc with them, but Pied Piper Records stood out a mile. They we talking about things we wanted to hear and have proved their worth getting Mark Hoppus on board. It's also great not have to do everything ourselves anymore!
Tell us a little about the band members of Koopa and your roles in the band!
There are three of us in the band: Me (Joe) - I play bass and sing, Ollie - Plays guitar and sing and Stu - drums. There's also our manager Gary, who's an honorary fourth member. We all muck in with the general running of the band though. Gary would be at the helm with regards to advertising the band and stuff.... and me and him deal with most of the promo etc. Stu looks after the van and equipment and me and Ollie are always writing and producing songs. We work well as a team!
What are your plans for touring?
At the moment that's all being sorted out. Other than playing South By South West (SXSW) in Texas March 15th and possibly a couple of warm-up shows, we're taking a couple of months off touring to concentrate on the album. But we'll be back in the UK June time for festivals etc. I think a FULL UK, USA and Australian tour is being planned at the moment!
How did it feel to be the FIRST unsigned band ever to get into the top 40?
This is a question we get asked a lot and still don't have the answer really. Like with a lot of stuff we've got going on, it's hard to take in. But there's a lot of feelings it conjures up really. It's very exciting of course, but we also feel proud as it was hard work to get there. I would say, one a whole... we're all dead chuffed!
You guys are headed for a lot of success. How has the journey felt from being just a small band from Essex to being able to have all these amazing achievements?
Thank you very much... I sure hope so *crosses-fingers*! It has been a lot of hard work and we've still got the hardest work to come.... but we wouldn't have it any other way... we like it. It's going to be an exciting few years hopefully and I just want to enjoy it as it happens. If (or should I say when) we get there, it'll be nice to be flying the flag for both Essex and the UK. It'd be good to inspire a few other bands not to give up because you can get there in the end.
How would you describe your music to someone who hasn't heard of you guys before?
Good to listen to!! HA! Well... I'd say in essence it's Punk/Rock music with catchy choruses and loud drums!
Would you like to add anything else?
Erm... No... I think that's covered a lot... and I'm not very good at adding, or maths in general!... See I'm a comedian too! Interview by Sarah

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